The Revolutionary Man Podcast

Embracing the Tao Unlocking Philosophical Insights for Personal Success

February 28, 2024 Alain Dumonceaux Season 4 Episode 9
Embracing the Tao Unlocking Philosophical Insights for Personal Success
The Revolutionary Man Podcast
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The Revolutionary Man Podcast
Embracing the Tao Unlocking Philosophical Insights for Personal Success
Feb 28, 2024 Season 4 Episode 9
Alain Dumonceaux

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When life handed Will Nemo lemons, he didn't just make lemonade—he founded the Doomer Bloomer Institute and the Daily Daoist Foundation. His powerful transformation from the throes of unemployment to a trailblazing entrepreneur is not only captivating but also a reservoir of inspiration for anyone grappling with their own hardships. In our conversation, Will unwraps the significance of self-care and service to others, offering a treasure trove of hope and practical steps for those eager to transmute their adversities into a driving force for growth.

Money, as the cornerstone of modern life, can often feel like a puzzle with too many moving parts. Will and I dissect the intricacies of our financial systems, examining the aftermath of hyperinflation and the gold standard's collapse. We navigate the minefield of personal finance and self-improvement, shedding light on the unspoken quarter-life crises many young adults face. Together, we peel back the layers of how cognitive biases can obscure our financial understanding and stress the importance of financial literacy as a pillar of personal empowerment.

This episode is more than just an exploration of financial and personal transformation; it's a foray into the interweaving philosophies of Taoism, Christianity, and Stoicism as pathways to self-mastery. Will's unique 12-step matrix offers listeners a blueprint for deprogramming societal expectations and embracing individual thought. Our dialogue delves into the promise of sound healing and the wisdom of Dr. Joe Dispenza, emphasizing the importance of communal support in navigating life’s hurdles. Join us as we chart the course from a 'doomer' mentality to the uplifted state of a 'bloomer', fostering a life filled with growth and positivity.

Key moments:
05:25 The Importance of Financial Responsibility
08:20 The Quarter Life Crisis: A New Perspective
13:48 The Power of Taoism in Personal Development
17:08 The Challenges of Modern Education and Society
22:17 Overcoming Trauma: A Personal Journey
23:19 The Power of Healing Frequencies and Self-Care
33:30 The Importance of Grounding and Harmonic Frequencies
39:03 The Importance of Reaching Out

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Let me know your thoughts on the show and what topic you would like me to discuss next.

When life handed Will Nemo lemons, he didn't just make lemonade—he founded the Doomer Bloomer Institute and the Daily Daoist Foundation. His powerful transformation from the throes of unemployment to a trailblazing entrepreneur is not only captivating but also a reservoir of inspiration for anyone grappling with their own hardships. In our conversation, Will unwraps the significance of self-care and service to others, offering a treasure trove of hope and practical steps for those eager to transmute their adversities into a driving force for growth.

Money, as the cornerstone of modern life, can often feel like a puzzle with too many moving parts. Will and I dissect the intricacies of our financial systems, examining the aftermath of hyperinflation and the gold standard's collapse. We navigate the minefield of personal finance and self-improvement, shedding light on the unspoken quarter-life crises many young adults face. Together, we peel back the layers of how cognitive biases can obscure our financial understanding and stress the importance of financial literacy as a pillar of personal empowerment.

This episode is more than just an exploration of financial and personal transformation; it's a foray into the interweaving philosophies of Taoism, Christianity, and Stoicism as pathways to self-mastery. Will's unique 12-step matrix offers listeners a blueprint for deprogramming societal expectations and embracing individual thought. Our dialogue delves into the promise of sound healing and the wisdom of Dr. Joe Dispenza, emphasizing the importance of communal support in navigating life’s hurdles. Join us as we chart the course from a 'doomer' mentality to the uplifted state of a 'bloomer', fostering a life filled with growth and positivity.

Key moments:
05:25 The Importance of Financial Responsibility
08:20 The Quarter Life Crisis: A New Perspective
13:48 The Power of Taoism in Personal Development
17:08 The Challenges of Modern Education and Society
22:17 Overcoming Trauma: A Personal Journey
23:19 The Power of Healing Frequencies and Self-Care
33:30 The Importance of Grounding and Harmonic Frequencies
39:03 The Importance of Reaching Out

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Thanks for listening to the Revolutionary Man Podcast. If you want more information about our programs use the links below to check us out. It could be the step that changes your life.

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IG - /theawakenedman2020/

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Speaker 1:

Trauma. You know, that's a word that gets thrown around a ton these days and when it happens, it can lose its power, especially when real trauma has been encountered and endured. So what if you truly have suffered through or maybe even continue to struggle with trauma? What do you do then? Well, there's therapy, psychedelic, spiritual quest and a host of other things, and while many of those can be successful, it takes time, patients and guidance to know the path forward, to see what it truly looks like. Well, today, I guess, shares the path on his healing journey and how he has transformed his pain into multiple businesses.

Speaker 1:

And before we get into that, we all know that men today are struggling like never before. And it's because we feel this pain and it's real. For us, it's a pain of loneliness and unworthiness, and it's masked by our anger and our resentment, and it's all because we are uncertain and afraid to take that next step. So if you're tired and fed up of where your life is at, I'm gonna encourage you to start your heroes quest, where you can become more, live more and Accomplish more than ever before. Go to members, dot the awaken man net and start your quest today. Now let's get on with today's episode.

Speaker 2:

The average man today is sleepwalking through life, many never reaching their true potential, let alone ever crossing the finish line to living a purposeful life. Yet the hunger still exists. I'll be at, buried amidst his cluttered mind, misguided beliefs and values that no longer serve him. It's time to align yourself for greatness. It's time to become a revolutionary man. Stay strong, my brother.

Speaker 1:

Welcome everyone to the revolutionary man podcast. I'm the founder of their awakened man movement and your host, alan de Monzo. So tell me, how has trauma influenced your life? Has it been for the better or for worse? You know, each of our recovery paths was going to look different. Some stages may even sound and feel the same, but the truth is that there are different slides within the mindset and how it shapes us, and my guest today would say he Would take you from a doomer a bloomer. So allow me to introduce my guest. Will Neymar is a multifaceted entrepreneur and visionary committed to liberating the all true, only doomer bloomers from tyranny and enslavement, and its portfolio event includes a Yukon Gold partnership limited, the doomer bloomer Institute and the daily Daoist Foundation. Will is a thought leader in the fields arranging from energy and Daoism to leadership, mental health and entrepreneurship was ultimate goal extends beyond personal wealth, is driven to empower others to live their most fulfilling life. Welcome to the show. Well, our thanks today, my brother.

Speaker 3:

Good, alain. I am just grounding myself on my grounding mat as we speak. The energy is is good today for Saturday. It's my self-care Saturday and I Encourage you, if you don't have a routine like that, to To do so. Thank you for that really warm welcome.

Speaker 3:

It's been about a year now since we've known each other when you were on my podcast, the doomer bloomers Podcasts. Since that time, you know, obviously you've seen my development, or you've seen Development in some different areas, different fields. I really encourage you to check out the awaken man net and Join Alain's program. It's a 12 month, 12 step and it's a monthly virtue type program, very similar actually to the doomer bloomers Institute PhD all true PhD program. And yeah, I'm here honestly just to be I don't even want to say a guide, I just want to be a voice in the the wilderness that is the internet. As you know, alain, it's a very noisy and a very busy place out there and I live my life through service. Really, I learned that from Dr Wayne Dyer. I picked up his book change your thoughts, change your life in 2017, when I was going through a period of struggle myself and I was in the middle and of an Unemployment stint and I stayed the winter at my aunt and uncle's house, you know, and prior to that I'd spent most of my middle 20s actually couch surfing because I I Couldn't afford to make rent most months, to be honest, and I bounced back and forth between couch surfing and staying at my, my, my parents place or my mother's place, and I think that's an issue for a lot of young people between the ages of 24 and even up into the middle middle 30s.

Speaker 3:

We've reached a point in history of what they call hyperinflation and Just to give you a little bit of background on that, once they went off of the gold standard in 1972, our current money system is not backed by anything, not anything substantial. So in order to create money now in the fractional reserve system, they just go ask the Federal Reserve, they create, let's say, ten hundred million dollars, ten hundred million dollars, and they loan that money To the US government in Treasury bonds and the Treasury bonds Yet, yet then, you know, owed back to their Federal Reserve and the cycle continues. But that then pushes all that inflation on your currency Currents to the sea right. Money is just a transfer of energy on to the populace right, and the control in this world, unfortunately, is held in a very small majority at the top, in the 1% or less. And I, if you haven't looked into this, I really definitely encourage you.

Speaker 3:

Part of my program teaches financial Responsibility or fiscal responsibility. These are things I've learned myself. I've put myself through this program in the last five years and it deals with things like trauma, financial responsibility, taking care of your self-care. You know I have a saying that says you know, check yourself before you wreck yourself. And my tail is really a cautionary tail. You know, besides my dow, my dow leanings.

Speaker 3:

You know, I would say between the ages. You know, after 17, graduating high school and then moving into the workforce. You know I really didn't know what I wanted to do and I think that's something that most young people, especially in the 18 to 24 range, you know they would be. You know, if he were born in 1999 to 2000, you'd be coming into that. You know, 20 to 24 range now, you know Some of you are in universities because your parents could afford to send you to university.

Speaker 3:

All right, my parents never or couldn't self actualize themselves in the previous generation, so they didn't have not TFSAs, the educational funds that set aside for me and my brother and my sister to go to school. So for myself, right out of school, the options were hit the oil patch and go work for BC Hydro. You know, I didn't get the scholarship that was offered in my grade 11th year to go to University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George. A lot of my friends around my age group, you know, they took a different path and they took the university path and that works for some people. For me personally, it didn't.

Speaker 3:

You know, I tried, not tried. I went to engineering school instead, I went to trade school instead and I attempted, I attempted to think about going back to post-secondary in 2012. And I was going to go to the University of Alberta and I was considering going to do a bachelor of theater and I wasn't sure. Really. I'd come off of the Katimovic program in 2010 and 2011. I'd come out of the Odyssey program, which is a exchange language, french exchange program in Quebec and I was teaching English and then living in Quebec and I met a lot of great people for both Katimovic and through the Odyssey program, you know. But then again, I'd reached my early to mid 20s and I think at the time I think they were calling it a quarter life crisis. I don't know, have you heard that termling quarter life crisis?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I haven't heard that, that's an interesting one. I'm well, well, very familiar with midlife, but tell me a little bit more about this quarter life.

Speaker 3:

Well, a quarter life crisis is basically that, like, there's the midlife and then there's the quarter life, right. So you got your you know 50, 85 year olds buying sports cars, and then you got your 25 year olds starting their own rock bands and startup ventures right, and we have reached a point of technological. You know, I don't know if you've noticed it, but we've reached a point of technological saturation. You know, I grew up through the 1990s and into the early 2000s and when I was 13 years old, you know, to like, we just passed 911. When I was 13 years old, you know, two twin towers were struck by two airplanes and two buildings were crushed and crumbled, you know, and a lot of us watched that in live TV, some of us that were old enough and they grounded all air traffic in North America, okay, and it was a big deal, and those of us who were too young to remember that they would be considered into the zoomer generation, right, if you were like three years or younger, or five years or younger, you wouldn't quite remember that watershed.

Speaker 3:

You know, there's certain moments in time that are there's it's what we call collective consciousness, right that we all witness and we all have a memory of, and we were all there for the Berlin wall falling right. We were there for, you know, bill Clinton getting elected and we were there for George W Bush and the the whole aftermath of what happened with with that, and I don't want to get into the politics of it. I just wanted to highlight how, how memory can affect our consciousness, right, and how we apply memory to our consciousness and I write quite a bit about this and I podcast quite a bit about this and there's such things as cognitive biases. You have to be aware of your cognitive bias, and a cognitive bias is something that's been imposed upon you by your upbringing, your social construct, your, your place in the world, how you think, and the one thing you have to remember is that not everyone views life or has the same life view as you do, and you can't expect them to have the same life view that you do. So you have to start using what I learned in another program is called the platinum rule. So everyone's hold of part of the golden rule, right. The golden rule is treat others, treat others as you'd like to be treated.

Speaker 3:

The platinum rule is to reach people where they're at yes, right. And if you're not reaching people where they're at, you're not speaking their language or not communicating at their language. It's the same reason why Donald Trump talks at a third grade level when he addresses his audiences. Right, and you know they're. You know, for a lack of a better term after World War Two. I'm going into the history a little bit, but you can research all these facts. You know they're not. They're not, they're not made up facts, but the, the Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Foundation right, amassed quite a large fortune between the 1900s into the 1950s and they started to privatize healthcare.

Speaker 3:

They started to privatize the education system and they they brought in a very specific curriculum and a very this is an approved curriculum for the masses. They call it public school for a reason. It's to I don't want to word you the word education is is is a misnomer right, and it's. It's really more about teaching to a set curriculum and a way to think, and after about the 1990s and ended in 2000s, and now it's accelerated since about 2010 onward, we aren't using our critical thinking skills anymore. So bringing it back around to the Doomer Boomer Institute here, it's a program that that deed you from the previous programming that you already had. So it's right. It's just like a double negative makes a positive In mathematics you take your double negatives and you make a positive. Okay, the negative experience and the negative programming.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And the trauma that you've had and the negative biases that you've had. We're not saying that we're we're scrubbing you or brainwashing you or, you know, turning you into a completely different person. We're breaking you or breaking you down, or the program itself is designed to take you, take you as you are, at face value, and then apart in your individual thinking processes through a 12 step matrix. Right, and it's a. It's a choose your own adventure, right? I personally subscribe to the health, wealth and wisdom pillars, but there's 12 individual pillars you can choose. I don't want to list them all right now because I might butcher it, but you know there's your framework right To self, through at self mastery.

Speaker 3:

This is my part of my framework towards self mastery. Right, I'm on the. I'm also on the Taoist, christian and stoic path where I've I've combined the philosophy, the philosophies of Taoism, christianity and stoicism, and I've taken the best and I've decided to leave the rest behind. I don't really subscribe to Old Testament thinking of Christianity. I follow the Beatitudes of Jesus and I also have thrown in Marcus Aurelius's thing and teachings with a little bit of epititus, and then, of course, lao Tzu's Taoism, and I have a podcast of the same name. You can check it out. It's the Daily Taoist on all platforms.

Speaker 3:

And that's where I do, I would say usually bi-weekly or weekly readings from change your thoughts, change your life, with essays by Wendyer, with my little twist thrown in and my current understandings in the modern times.

Speaker 3:

Right, and one of the major themes out of that book is that if we had Tao leadership and if we followed Tao principles in the world and we weren't so concerned about getting more and getting mine, we would have not a utopia, but we would have an individual self-axialization on Maslow's hierarchy of needs that we've never, ever seen in the past 250 years. Right, and that's really the goal of humanity is not to get more and get mine. It's to get to the point where the child in Africa or the child in India or the child in any third-world country has the same sort of opportunities that we do in the first world. Right, and you have to think about how grateful you are to have clean drinking water and clean running water and be able to go to the grocery store and pick up food and stop complaining about gas prices, because you have the ability to make the payments and you have the ability to put the vehicle fuel in your car or truck, and it's not changing our perspective.

Speaker 1:

Right we tend to take a lot of things for granted in the West because of everything that we have. We have so much abundance, yet there's so much poverty here. Yeah, poverty, mindset poverty in its actual sense. You talked about third-world countries. We don't have to go far. Look at our many of our cities, downtown, and how much this has just changed because our mindsets have been so fixed towards what we think life should be like, and yet we have lost the motivation, the drive and the passion to make any type of change in life.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I think where I was going with this, I was using the third world as an example, because I think people can not relate to it more. But this is like why are we sending? I'm of the mindset that, given a certain population's ability to change and become better, the one thing that they always talk about is educating women and then, therefore, their children will then be educated, and we've seen this work. But at the same time, the Western decline has really really been on the decline and it's a combination of things. It's the hyperinflation I was talking about, but it's also the no fault divorce laws, the changing of the legislation and language around gender, gender, ideological lines, and also we've also decided that we're going to be dependent on our governments for everything, and that's sliding towards socialism and then also sliding towards a form of communism which we know historically doesn't work. It leads to authoritarianism. And we've seen that in the last five years, three and a year, especially through COVID times the government lockdowns, telling people how to do their lives and how to put take autonomy autonomy of their own physical body and their own property Right. And we've seen bank accounts frozen during the trucker convoy, private bank accounts just because the government said so.

Speaker 3:

And again, I don't look at myself as revolutionary or even that rebellious. I look at myself as very critical thinking, critically minded, and I'm still seeing this in the world and in the news and in my daily life. And again, I view everything as a spectrum. If you look at the doomer, bloomer logos and the, the messaging I put out there, it's everything is a spectrum. We tend to look at things in the black and white and we don't look at things from the middle's perspective, but there's really a 360 perspective on every sort of issue you can imagine.

Speaker 3:

And coming back to, we don't have enough. Not don't have enough, but we're not allocating. The Dow says that you must take from surplus and give to deficiency. The government have reversed that cycle of reciprocation that's supposed to happen naturally in ecological systems. We're an ecosystem, just like a natural ecosystem. We are humans, but we're also animals. Are we any different than birds or bears or fish or any other sort of living creature? And instead of doing that and getting along harmoniously as the Dow, as the Dow flows, we decided to take a very antithetical view on. We've decided that we're God. Part of you is God, part of you is Source, part of you is Creator. We're made in the image thereof. We're not meant to play God. And we've gotten to the point where we have the Monsanto's of the world, the Moderna's of the world and the Pfizer's of the world saying that we're going to play God and dictate to the masses how we're going to live your life.

Speaker 3:

Elaine, you have to live a certain way. You have to eat a certain amount of meat per year. You're not allowed to have dairy products. You can't. You have to walk to work. You have to live in a five, fifteen minute city. You don't have a choice anymore. You're locked down in this little quadrant of Winnipeg and if you don't order your groceries from Instacart, you're a bad person. And I'm just using an example. But that could be anything, any person anywhere. And I grew up very rural and the rural mindset is very different from the city mindset.

Speaker 3:

We moved from rural to the city around the middle 1900s and into the 1930s and 1940s and all history cycles run about in roughly 80 year cycles and we're hitting the end of another 80 year cycle from 1945 to 20. And we're seeing hard times come back around and it's creating hard times. Create strong men and women and we're seeing the return, hopefully, of more traditional values. I am seeing it in my, because I'm a teacher by profession and trade as well and I also run the three businesses that I have, and I don't even want to call them businesses. They're their projects, their life tasks. They weren't really created by me. I don't look at them as creations by me. They were downloaded through me and I'm a conduit of creation, not necessarily the creator itself, and I talked about it on my own podcast, so I'm going to just talk about it.

Speaker 3:

Here is coming back to the trauma aspect of it all. I personally was hospitalized twice and in almost three times in the last three years, right Through the trauma that I had to go through and grow through, and I was self medicating or trying to self medicate with alcohol. I was trying to self medicate with psychedelics and I was trying to push through my trauma rather than feel my trauma right, because this is something I've told Elaine before in the past is that the amount of time you spend under tension is the amount of time that you need, is required to absorb it and process it. A compressed spring when let go will let go with the same amount of force that's pressed onto it. So my life for a lack of a better term was forged under a crucible type environment and I had a bit of a hardcore dad and his dad before him was very hardcore.

Speaker 3:

My grandpa was hard on my dad and my dad was hard on me and we didn't get along very well and we still have a very rocky relationship to this day. And we're still absorbing that three generation years, three generations worth of tension. And I call it the broken link. And it's the reason why I changed my name, because I don't want to be associated with that pain and that disappointment and regret and the anger and the suffering of three generations, because even my grandfather had a stepdad who wasn't very nice to him either and it just compounded and compounded and compounded. And I'm all about chakral healing. We have the seven chakras of our body and it's very important to keep those into chakral alignment. Do you want to jump in on there, alain?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I really like the direction you're going and I wanted to thank you so much for sharing some different pieces of your life story, your hero's quest and how you've been, and if you really use these things and while at times it may have felt pretty dark places, but you've been able to shift that energy and change that to that the way it's showing up for you in life to do things that bring meaning and purpose in your life. And I just wanted to touch on a little bit and I know you do the Daily Dawa podcast and I think it's a phenomenal podcast. I love listening to that one and it's really been part to me in a time that I've known. It's really been that one grounding piece for you to come back to. And so I wanted to ask you like the opening? You know the opening sentence in the Dawa says something in effect of a way that can be walked is not the way.

Speaker 3:

Or the, the or the Dawa that can be known for the, the Dawa. Yeah, so the, the Dawa that can be known is not the eternal Dawa.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Right. So even putting words to the Dawa is not the Dawa, yeah, Also, there's a verse in there that says that those who know do not speak. So you don't go around as a Dawa saying I'm a Dawaist, Look at me, I'm a Dawaist. You say. You don't even say, you just be, you just are, and you just show up right, like this podcast.

Speaker 3:

And there's a term that I've been throwing around and I've been, I've been talking with a sociology professor at my school now and I wrote this on, you know, on some of my mind maps, as I was, you know, doing my, my life calculations and building out the program. But there's, there's a concept of beyond concepts, and I've debated this with my brother on several occasions because he's he's a bit of a, a bit of a debater, and I'm not much of a debater, but I can, I can, I can, I can usually bring it around in a conversational tone. But there's a concept of no concepts or beyond concepts. So what happens when, when a thought? Right, Because we live like we were driven by thoughts, we make over 35,000 or more individual decisions in a day and we're a thought driven species, and you know Alan Watts talks about, you know, getting to the point where you're just a thinking being and that's not really being anymore.

Speaker 3:

And I've experienced both, to be honest, where you get so lost in your thoughts that you think you become your thoughts. And are your thoughts really your reality? What is reality? You know, and because of where I've gone and who I've become, you know and I have, you know, so-called you know therapists, psychiatrists, counselors, doctors, talk with me and they think they're more intelligent than me or they think they're smarter than me, and they, they tend to talk down to their patients. And just because you went through four years of a bachelor, then four years of a medical degree, you know, and you have a master's or a PhD, doesn't necessarily make you smarter or better than somebody else. It just means you read a lot of books and somebody put a stamp on your butt and said that you read a lot of books and that you took these classes and you wrote these essays.

Speaker 3:

I've read hundreds, perhaps thousands of books, and I've wrote hundreds, getting into the mid hundreds of essays, and I don't really agree with the current system of let's go take a four-year degree and then a master's and a PhD, unless it's something specialized or something technical. The rest of the classical humanities have just become for lack of a better word woke garbage. They're not really teaching you how to critically think. They're indoctrinating you into a way of thinking and an ideological way of being, and it's become a left versus right and a north versus south sort of alignment where we have lawful and legal, and most people don't understand the term between lawful and legal. Legal is just jargon, telling you that mostly it's about the paperwork involved and it's about the legalities involved around a specific topic. Lawful is more about alignment. Like you, want people to be lawful on their own, and the Tao says that those who are true virtue act virtuous without being told how to be virtuous. A virtuous person doesn't have to be virtuous or be told to be virtuous in the confusion way of thinking, which is very law-driven and very edict-driven. A Tao person is virtue and embodies the characteristics of a virtuous person. That then informs the way they interact in the world.

Speaker 3:

I personally, from a leadership perspective, I follow verse 17 of the Tao De Ching, which is, essentially you must allow people to live their essential natures, whatever that may be.

Speaker 3:

And I'm responsible for a class of up to 16 people now and I have a lot of different personalities coming through and personalities I have to interact with, and some of them are quiet, some of them are more boisterous, some of them are in between, some of them want to learn, some of them are just there because their parents told them that they have to go to school and do something with their lives.

Speaker 3:

And coming back around to why the Dummer-Bloomer Institute exists, it exists to help people with poverty mindset, people who have been left behind in the world and people who would like some guidance on getting back into spirit and alignment with the way and the purpose of why they're here.

Speaker 3:

And it took me a very mirandering sort of path and I'm still on that path, but the focus is the most important component of this program is that you're not dilly-dallying, you're working at a pace that's acceptable to your life's path and for me personally, it took me to my early 30s to get onto or become a conduit for the message that I'm trying to spread and that's planetary awareness awakening 1.618 billion, which is the golden ratio.

Speaker 3:

So 20% of 8 billion is 1.618 billion altrues only on this planet, because I truly believe that's the salvageable number required for the law of one. So the negative polarities on this planet are Earth or plane, and the positive polarities on this planet to fully work in cooperation, because some people on this planet or some entities on this planet are going to work in positive polarity and service of others, and so I'm going to work in negative polarity and serve as a self and they work together, but in opposite polarities and it's a push-pull sort of scenario. And if you're living through this history of time and period of time, we're technically entering into the age of Aquarius, so it's a new age and it's bringing new energy and different energy into our solar system and into our planetary existence.

Speaker 3:

So it's going to be very bumpy for quite a little bit, but once we get through this, it's just like in an airplane right when you go through turbulence. If you believe in the Copernicus theory of revolution of the Earth around the sun and I'm not going to debate people with us on this but our planetary orbit takes us through a 364 and a bit rotation. 2024 is the next leap year, so we added an additional day on the 29th of February to make up the sun rotation. But the Earth actually rotates and is adhering to a 28-day cycle with the Moon and we truly actually have 13 months in a year, not 12. It's one of the reasons why people are out of sync on this planet, because we're not adhering to a 13-month calendar. We're adhering to a 12-month calendar and it's deliberately disrupting our equilibrium. So you know, for whatever day of you know, I don't even know what the lunar cycle is, but I have a lunar cycle app and I'm very in touch with the lunar cycles. I highly recommend getting a grounding mat or a grounding bed, even because free energy and free electrons need to go somewhere. You know, and we're definitely out of alignment. You know, even this conversation, like. You know, if you have a sitting desk, consider getting a standing desk. You know, I've converted my office to a standing desk, I've converted my personal office to a standing desk, you know, and the difference in energy, the difference in energy that I feel when I'm standing versus sitting all day right, is just. There is no other feeling in the world, right, and you know I'm used to being around electricity quite a bit, right, but the frequencies of our planet and the frequencies of the power system are not aligned, right. So there's that component and if you look around the world and I again don't want to get into it too much, but there's certain buildings and certain churches and certain monasteries. They're harmonic resonators, right, they're meant to amplify the harmonic frequencies of the planet. Everything vibrates, everything moves as per hermetic principles and we're on a vibrating hermetic planet, hermetic Earth.

Speaker 3:

And do you believe that you were anything more than a mass like you're? There's your spiritual body and then there's your physical body and the one of the main, you know, important things is to get your spirit and your, your physical bodies, aligned. You know my like, one of my big things, especially the first time I went to the hospital, is that my spiritual body and my physical body were completely out of synchronization with one another. And what ended up happening is I had a, I had a break like what they would, you know, you know, call a typical psychotic break. But, you know, I don't really truly believe that. You know, it was a psychotic break, in a sense, because I touched an area or a physical reality or a divine presence, or divine presence entered my life, right, because I was in and out of consciousness for a better part of four days and I don't remember all of it, but I do know that there was something or someone watching over me, or I, you know, would have ended up something worse, right, and I truly believe it was Christ Jesus or some entity thereof, or some angelic presence, and it saved my life, or I don't think I would be here, to be honest, you know.

Speaker 3:

And the second time around, it was a very similar but different, because my alignments were coming back more centered, right, and I had more control, this time, right, and I didn't just, you know, completely lose touch of reality. I knew where I was, I knew who I was, but I couldn't explain in words what was happening to me properly, right? And then the third time around it was like okay, I know what this is, I know who I am, where I am. I went to the hospital but they couldn't admit me at the time. So I went to my aunt's house and I just chilled out and I grounded myself and you know, you have to. You know, start with.

Speaker 3:

One of the main things that I have running all the time is Tibetan singing bowls and I have the 528 Hertz heart healing frequency going in the background quite a lot of the time. That frequency band especially is important for people who need or want to heal trauma, because if you don't, it will manifest as disease and disease manifests itself in a cellular level and it can hijack some of the cellular level and then become cancerous. Right, and you know a lot of the things. A lot of the treatments for cancer could be really, really solved by going through a sonic treatment or a sonic frequency treatment. Right, some of these, you know other drugs that they use are just part of the pharmacone, nonhuman cure. Your body can heal itself given the right mental aptitude and the proper instruction. Right, and you know, people like Dr Joe Dispenza have proven that Right.

Speaker 3:

They can heal themselves from a traumatic you know crippling back injury from an honest journey of triathlon. You know I haven't gone. You know like I have back issues, but they're a lot less painful than they could be because of the self care that I do. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Man, well, you've got such an incredible story. We've been. We've been, you know, working together here for just over a year now, and every time I hear you tell, tell your story, I always learn a little bit more, a little bit more about you know. The work that you've done, you know how much you've seen you grow and evolve has been just phenomenal. And so you know, as we come to come to wrap up this episode, if there's one thing that maybe we didn't get a chance to touch on today, what would be the one thing you would want our guests to remember about our conversation?

Speaker 3:

Don't do it alone. Reach out to family, reach out to a close friend. Put me or schedule me or Elaine in your calendar. It's a free call, it's 15 minutes of your day that could potentially change your entire life Right and comparatively, I think, to to what you know. If you're, if you're really looking to get from that doomer, dark place like I'm ready to like not be here anymore, to hey, I want to do something positive and empowering in the world and I want to make my own specific mark on the world, whether that's, you know, skateboarding videos or anything in between. Right, like there's a, there's a market and a niche for what you have. If you're, you know, a so-called relative expert in an area, reach out to either myself or Elaine and not think that you're alone in the 1.918 billion of altrues only, and you'll you'll definitely thank your future self if you make that call.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, that's just outstanding. So much, buddy, for being on the show and you know you've been able to shed a little bit of light for us and hopefully people have get an understanding of the types of journey to going from doomer to doomer and being so much more in their lives. So if, if, anyone is interested in getting a whole of you and participating in your work, what would you suggest be the best way for them to do that?

Speaker 3:

I would go to all any of my Twitter pages, at doomer podcast, at the Daily Daoist, at Yukon Gold Limited, and reach out directly to my Calendly link, which I can give you, and search doomer, bloomer, patreon and take the free seven day trial and then we can potentially negotiate from there right, and I can help you start getting on that path from becoming or going from a doomer to a bloomer, becoming an altrues. Only you guys select your own 12 or your three main pillars that you want to select, and me and Elaine, in conjunction with his Awakened man band of brothers program, can get you where or get you to a point where you need to be or where you want to be in your life.

Speaker 1:

We're on, brother. I'm going to make sure I'm going to put all that information in our show notes for today's episode, as well as your, your sub stack messaging as well you did some phenomenal articles there and information on sub stack. Just want to say once again, brother, thank you so much for being on the show. Really enjoyed our conversation.

Speaker 3:

Likewise and as always, namaste, and I love each and every one of you in the Mandelbrot universe. Cheers.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to the revolutionary man podcast. Are you ready to own your destiny, to become more the man you're destined to be? Join the brotherhood that is the Awakened man at the Awakened man dot net and start forging a new destiny today.

Healing From Trauma and Transforming Pain
Understanding Financial Systems and Personal Growth
Challenging Perspectives and Seeking Growth
Exploring Spiritual and Philosophical Concepts
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